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Plane Exhaust Corporation

Plane Exhaust has been a leader in new and overhauled aircraft exhaust systems for years.

Founded in 2002, Plane Exhaust Corporation. is backed by over 15 years of experience in aircraft exhaust system repair, overhaul and modification.

Plane Exhaust Corporation provides a large variety of services on aircraft exhaust systems made by the most reputable companies in the industry, coupled with great customer support.

For repair and overhaul, just ship the system to us. We will promptly fix it and ship it back to you.

Every system is Jig fitted while accomplishing all tasks by work order. All flanges are resurfaced and each component of the system is pressure tested individually at final inspection.

We issue an 8130-3 with all of our repairs. All our measuring and testing equipment is calibrated by a certified company.

Our company is committed to provide excellent service with one year warranty/unlimited hours on our products. Through our commitment, expertise and experience we have established a positive, long lasting business relationship with our customers.

Exhaust System Overhaul and Repair:

Interior exhaust part surfaces deteriorate faster than outer surfaces. The Plane Exhaust overall process requires removal of end plates in order to inspect for hidden internal damage. Broken baffle segments can dislodge and block exhaust flow. Many exhaust components are manufactured from high-temperature material for longer service life. To ensure proper alignment, all parts are checked on precision jigs. Exhaust system failures can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, loss of engine power and even fire. This is why we subject all parts to rigid leak testing.

At Plane Exhaust, we are fully committed to the health and safety of our customers, our community, and our staff.

We will remain open for business while taking precautionary measures to clean our facility throughout the day.

Request Custom Fabrication

Would you like to speak to one of our advisers over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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